Sunday, January 24, 2010

Releasing Stress to Keep Skin Young-looking

Have you noticed how your skin looks older after a week at the office? You might not believe it, but stress does make skin look and feel older. If there's too much of stress, or you are often subjected to it, your skin may not have the time to recover fully, and thus, it will tend to stay looking old or tired even after office hours or even when you're on vacation. Skin takes time to recover from stress.

Muscles underneath the skin are like rubber bands. When new, they are elastic and spring back to their original state. The muscles of the face show how tired you are. Tired muscles sag and lose elasticity. Thus, your face also sags if it experiences too much stress without time to recover. Apart from the facial muscles, the skin over them tend to follow habitual expressions like frowning. If you frown too often, your skin will adapt and form lines that will make it appear that you're frowning even when you're not.

In order to counter the effects of stress on your facial skin, it is important to release stress and relax your face at special times of the day (or night). How do you release stress? Well, you can sit or lie down for starters; close your eyes and breathe. Feel the parts of your face where there's tension, and release them. If you feel that your brow is a bit knotted, imagine letting go of the tension and your muscles will relax. You may suddenly discover that your face has a few tension points that require attention. Do not rush things. Go over each point and release the stress for each one relaxing them and imagining the stress and negative feelings leaving you.

Some may call this exercise yoga or meditation, but you don't need to call it anything. All you need to know is how to do the tension-release process regularly. You can do it in your special place of relaxation. It may be indoors or outdoors, but it should be a place where you can relax and not remind you of work and the office. You don't need to use any music, but if you prefer, you can play some soothing tunes. If you make a habit of doing this, you will notice a change in your face and others will too! Best of all is that you don't need to spend anything for this facelift.

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